Home / Fishing/Terminal Tackle/Hooks / Tassie Devil Single Hook Black

Tassie Devil Single Hook Black

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The Tassie Devil Single Hook features VMC hooks, which are renowned for their exceptional quality and durability, these hooks are designed to withstand the strongest of fish and ensure that your catch stays firmly secured. With the Tassie Devil Single Hook, you can have peace of mind knowing that your fishing rig is equipped with the best.

One of the standout features of the Tassie Devil Single Hook is its extra-wide gap. This design allows for better hook penetration, increasing your chances of landing a trophy-worthy fish - say goodbye to missed bites and hello to more successful catches with this impressive single hook.

The Tassie Devil Single Hook comes with glowing UV red beads. These beads not only add visual allure to your fishing rig but also provide an extra layer of attraction. The bright, glowing red beads are sure to grab the attention of nearby fish, ensuring they can't resist taking a bite. Shop a wide range of fishing gear both in store and online at Anaconda today!

Quality VMC hooks
Made with an extra wide gap
Glowing UV red beads

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