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Williamson Game Fish Kit Assorted

Customer Reviews

The Williamson Game Fish Kit is a fantastic package to have in your angling arsenal. This kit comes with six Williamson lures that have a prerigged design with high-quality VMC hooks. The kit includes two Tuna Catchers Rigged 6", two Dorado Catchers Rigged 6", and two Sailfish Catchers Rigged 6".

Each lure has been carefully designed to cater to different game fishes' needs, such as the Sailfish, Tuna, and Dorado. The Williamson Game Fish Kit's inclusion of various lures is ideal for anglers who plan adventure fishing trips and target multiple species. The kit's lures come pre-rigged, saving you time and money spent purchasing the components separately. The VMC hooks are sharp, providing optimum hooking capability and reducing your chances of losing your catch.

The Williamson Game Fish Kit is incredibly lightweight and portable, thanks to the easy-to-clean mesh storage bag. The bag makes it easy for you to transport the lures safely and store them when not in use. Additionally, the bag's mesh design allows it to dry quickly, saving you the hassle of having to deal with a wet bag. Shop all of your fishing essentials at Anaconda today!

x 2 Tuna Catchers Rigged 6"
x 2 Dorado Catchers Rigged 6"
x 2 Sailfish Catchers Rigged 6"
All lures are rigged with quality VMC hooks
Easy-to-clean mesh storage bag

x 2 Tuna Catchers Rigged 6"
x 2 Dorado Catchers Rigged 6"
x 2 Sailfish Catchers Rigged 6"
Primary Activity(s)